Java tutorial 2
James Gosling |
History of Java
Java's history is highly fascinating. Although Java was initially intended for interactive television, the digital cable television business at the time could not use it due to its advanced technology. The Green Team is where Java's history began. This project was started by members of the Java team (also known as the Green Team) to create a language for digital devices like set-top boxes, televisions, etc. However, internet programming was where it excelled. Later, Netscape incorporated Java technology.
"Simple, Robust, Portable, Platform-independent, Secured, High Performance, Multithreaded, Architecture Neutral, Object-Oriented, Interpreted, and Dynamic" were the guiding concepts for developing Java programming. James Gosling, regarded as the creator of Java, began working on it in 1995. Early in the 1990s, James Gosling and his team began work on the project.
James Gosling, who created Java
Java is being employed in games, e-business solutions, mobile devices, internet programming, and more. The historical significance of Java is described in the following key points.
The Java language project was launched in June 1991 by James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton. The small group of solar engineers is known as Green Team.
It was initially created for tiny embedded systems found in electronic devices like set-top boxes.
To begin with, the file's name was "Green talk" by James Gosling, and its extension was. gt.
Subsequently, it was created as a component of the Green project and given the name Oak.
Why Java was named "Oak"?
Why Oak? Many nations, including the U.S.A., France, Germany, Romania, etc., have selected the oak as their national tree because it is a symbol of strength.
In 1995, Oak was renamed "Java" because it was already a trademark by Oak Technologies.
Why is Java Programming named "Java"?
Why had they given the Java language that name? The group came together to select a new name. The adjectives "dynamic," "revolutionary," "Silk," "jolt," and "DNA," among others, were suggested. They desired a name that captured the spirit of the technology: it had to be novel, energetic, lively, cool, distinctive, simple to spell, and enjoyable to say.
Java was among the top options, along with Silk, according to James Gosling. Most team members picked Java over alternative names because Java was so distinctive.
Indonesia's Java island is where the first coffee was made (called Java coffee). It is an espresso bean of some sort. James Gosling chose the name Java while sipping coffee close to his office.
Java is merely a name; it does not contain an acronym.
launched in 1995 after being initially created by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems, a company that is currently a division of Oracle Corporation.
One of the Top Ten Products of 1995, according to Time magazine, was Java.
On January 23, 1996, JDK 1.0 was released. Numerous new features have been introduced to Java since its first release. At the moment, Java is utilized in Windows programs, Web apps, business applications, mobile applications, cards, etc. New features are added to Java with each new version.
Java Version History
There have been numerous Java releases up to this point. Java SE 10 is the most recent stable version of the language.
- JDK Alpha and Beta (1995)
- JDK 1.0 (23rd Jan 1996)
- JDK 1.1 (19th Feb 1997)
- J2SE 1.2 (8th Dec 1998)
- J2SE 1.3 (8th May 2000)
- J2SE 1.4 (6th Feb 2002)
- J2SE 5.0 (30th Sep 2004)
- Java SE 6 (11th Dec 2006)
- Java SE 7 (28th July 2011)
- Java SE 8 (18th Mar 2014)
- Java SE 9 (21st Sep 2017)
- Java SE 10 (20th Mar 2018)
- Java SE 11 (September 2018)
- Java SE 12 (March 2019)
- Java SE 13 (September 2019)
- Java SE 14 (Mar 2020)
- Java SE 15 (September 2020)
- Java SE 16 (Mar 2021)
- Java SE 17 (September 2021)
- Java SE 18 (to be released by March 2022)
Since the introduction of Java SE 8, the Oracle Corporation has adhered to a schedule in which an even version is released in March and an odd version in September.
Features of Java
Making Java a portable, user-friendly, and secure programming language was the main goal when it was developed. In addition to this, this language has several outstanding qualities that contribute significantly to its popularity. Java buzzwords refer to the features of Java.
The most crucial aspects of the Java language are listed here.
- Simple
- Object-Oriented
- Portable
- Platform independent
- Secured
- Robust
- Architecture Neutral
- Interpreted
- High Performance
- Multithreaded
- Distributed
- Dynamic
- Since Java syntax is based on C++, learning it after C++ is simpler for programmers.
- Numerous complex and little-used features, such as explicit pointers and operator overloading, have been eliminated from Java.
- Since Java has automatic garbage collection, there is no need to get rid of unreferenced objects.
An object-oriented programming language is Java. A Java object can be anything. By using a variety of different sorts of objects that include both data and behavior, we may structure our software in an object-oriented manner.
By laying down basic guidelines, object-oriented programming (OOPs) is a paradigm that makes it easier to design and maintain software.
OOPs' fundamental ideas include:
- Object
- Class
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
Independent of platform
Independent of platform In contrast to other languages like C, C++, etc. that are turned into platform-specific machines, Java is a write once, run anywhere language. This makes the Java platform neutral. The environment of hardware or software in which a program operates is referred to as a platform.
Platforms may be divided into two categories: hardware-based and software-based. Java offers a platform that is built on software.
In contrast to the majority of other platforms, the Java platform is a software-based platform that works on top of other hardware-based platforms. There are two parts to it:
- Runtime Environment
- API(Application Programming Interface)
Java code may run on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris, Mac OS, and others. The compiler compiles Java code and produces bytecode from it. Because it may be used on several systems, this bytecode is referred to as "Write Once and Run Anywhere" (WORA).
The security of Java is what sets it apart. Virus-free systems may be created using Java. Since: Java is protected
- not a direct pointer
- Java programs are executed within a sandboxed virtual computer.
- Classloader: The Java Runtime Environment (JREClassloader)'s component is used to dynamically load Java classes into the Java Virtual Machine. By isolating the package for local file system classes from those that are imported from network sources, it increases security.
- Bytecode Verifier: This program scans code fragments for unauthorized code that could violate object access rights.
- Security Manager: It establishes which resources, such as reading and writing to the local disc, a class is permitted access to.
Robust has robust English mining. Java is dependable because:
Strong memory management is employed.
The absence of pointers prevents security issues.
To get rid of items that are no longer being utilized by a Java program, Java has automated garbage collection, which operates on the Java Virtual Machine.
In Java, there is an exception handling system and a type-checking system. These factors combine to make Java resilient.
Because there are no implementation-dependent characteristics, such as fixed-size basic types, Java is architecture agnostic.
The int data type in C programming requires 2 bytes of memory for 32-bit and 4 bytes of memory for 64-bit architecture. However, for Java's 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, it takes up 4 bytes of memory.
Java is portable because it makes it easy to move Java bytecode between different platforms. It doesn't need to be put into practice.
Because Java bytecode is "near" to native code, it runs more quickly than other conventionally interpreted programming languages. It is still somewhat slower than a compiled language (like C++), for example. Java is slower than compiled languages like C, C++, etc. since it is an interpreted language.
Due to its ability to let users construct distributed applications, Java is distributed. Applications for networked computing are developed using RMI and EJB. We may access files by calling the methods from any computer connected to the internet thanks to a feature of Java.
A thread operates concurrently, much like a different program. Java applications may handle numerous tasks at once by using multiple threads. The fundamental benefit of multi-threading is that each thread doesn't take up memory. It has a shared memory space. For multimedia, Web applications, etc., threads are crucial.
A dynamic language is Java. The dynamic loading of classes is supported. It indicates that classes are loaded when needed. Additionally, it supports C and C++ native language functions.
Java offers automated memory management and dynamic compilation (garbage collection).
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